Friday, September 13, 2013

Words that Hurt

We all have words that upset us when we are connected with them. Those words insult us, they hurt us, they bring us down emotionally. In some severe cases, those words can hurt so much they push people to actually take their own lives. Those words are used as deliberate attacks. They are meant to cause pain. When someone calls a homosexual or an African American by a derogatory slur it is almost always done with the intention of 'getting a rise' out of the recipient. It has been my observation that they are trying to get the homosexual or the African American to respond violently so they then have an excuse to return that violence and physically attack that which they openly hate and secretly fear.

It seems that no race, creed, gender, orientation, etc. is immune to these attacks. The derogatory terms that women are called in our society is shameful and the words used against the LGBT community are often horribly accusatory.  Just because a man falls madly in love with another man he is accused of being a child molester and many many other despicable things.  I have never understood this. If you hate something, or are afraid of something, why not just leave that something alone? Why do you have to try and destroy it?

Open hatred and secrete fears are things that transgender individuals are faced with all of the time.  Over the years things have gotten better as the medical community now openly recognizes and supports the reality of Gender Dysphoria. More and more popular celebrities, athletes and politicians are coming out as transgender and bringing the reality of it to mainstream society. But just like marriage equality doesn't stop the hatred against homosexuals, the brave men and women that are coming out publicly as transgender are not stopping the hatred spewed toward them as well.

Most of these words you have heard. Many you may have even used yourself and not even realized they hurt people. Tranny, Trannie, HeShe, Lady Boy, It, Chick with a Dick and several others are shoved in our face almost every day. And just like repeatedly calling a young homosexual a fag over and over again can cause him to take his own life, calling a trans woman or a trans man a trannie can do the same thing. Each and every person deals with derogatory terms in different ways.  Many decide to take ownership of those words so that they can't be hurt by them. Fag, slut and bitch are three words that come to mind. I personally shrug them off unless someone is being persistent about it. But there are three words, that when used deliberately in reference to me, get me every time. They are such tiny words. They are so unimportant that they are rarely even capitalized. They are so unimportant that every single English speaker in the world uses them several times a day. But yet when those words in associationwith me, they become so important they make me feel small, they hurt, they sting and then send me into very negative emotional states. Those three insignificant little words are: he, him and his.